Here we show our latest buying sample and factory samples.
Mens Knit - Collection
Here you can see our latest own styles and developments we especially made for you. We made already the computer program and sample, therefor any further steps would be quite fast. Please let us know the styles you like, then we will give more details to you. Additionally you could give us target prices related to this style, then we would suggest the suitable yarn quality to you.
Mens Knit - Collection
Here you can see our latest own styles and developments we especially made for you. We made already the computer program and sample, therefor any further steps would be quite fast. Please let us know the styles you like, then we will give more details to you. Additionally you could give us target prices related to this style, then we would suggest the suitable yarn quality to you.
Art# C0001
Style is made out of viscose nylon. same style can be done in other quality depending on your needs and target price.